Below are some of the questions asked in the 1840 U.S. Census.
1. What is the number of your horses and mules?
2. How many cattle have you? Sheep? Swine?
3. Estimated value of your poultry of all kinds.
4. How many bushels of wheat did you grow in 1839? Barley? Oats? Rye? Indian corn? Buck wheat? Potatoes?
5. How many pounds of wool? Hops? Wax?
6. How many tons of hay? Hemp? Flax?
7. How many pounds of sugar? Silk cocoons?
8. How many cords of wood have you sold?
9. What is the value of the products of your orchard? Dairy? Homemade or family goods?
10. What was the value of your market garden in 1839?
11. What was the value of the lumber obtained from the forest? Skins and furs?
12. What was the value of the ginseng and all other productions not before enumerated, you obtained from the forest in 1839?